22 Responses

  1. Martha Melling
    Martha Melling at |

    On the farm I used to steal eggs from under the chickens and add them to mud pies to make them creamy and stick together in different shapes. I’d let them sit in the sun to bake.

    I’m still playing in the mud. For the past 45 years I’ve been making different shapes out of clay. I started with stoneware and now I’m fascinated with creamy porcelain.

    I also love working in dirt. This year I have a bountiful crop of kale, zucchini, beets, cukes, cabbages, broccoli and tomatoes. When I go for a walk, I share the excess with neighbours, who are always thrilled with free fresh veggies.

    Staying at home due to the pandemic hasn’t got me down at all!

  2. Marg Scott
    Marg Scott at |

    Hi Colleen
    We have never formerly met but my husband David and I curl with Kevin in the winter months and earlier this week we ended up golfing together. When I am not involved in these activities I am exploring our beautiful mountain surroundings or indulging in my passion of creating unique watercolour greeting cards.
    I really enjoyed reading of your adventures and reminiscing of your childhood. At this stage of our lives we often find ourselves reflecting on our past, remembering the fun times with family and friends.
    Dave and I love to travel and explore new places making memories. Back in 2008 in preparation of a first trip to Scotland, I started to trace my family roots – my paternal Grandfather was born on the Isle of Bute. Unfortunately my parents were both deceased as were their siblings, so there was no one to ask questions of. Over the last twelve years I have added to my family, finding long lost relatives, making new connections and gaining lasting friendships.
    I look forward to meeting you, viewing your art and reading of your adventures.
    Cheers Marg Scott

  3. Mimsy Jem
    Mimsy Jem at |

    Not as much as I’d like to. The last couple of years have not seen my best self. Through Covid I’ve been focused on healing my heart and finding more joy. I’m getting there.

  4. Jim Webster
    Jim Webster at |

    Playing football at the corner park – no
    Hiking and biking – yes
    Watching Saturday afternoon cowboy shows on tv – no
    Cheering for the Edmonton Eskimos – status unknown
    Studying history – yes
    Organizing things – yes
    Hanging with friends – as best I can
    Enjoying life – without question.

  5. Cindy McBain
    Cindy McBain at |

    I grew up in Kimberley on 8th Ave in town site. Across the street we had no housing just beautiful woods. I lived out there, we would play explorers, and hike and find wonderful turtles, frogs…love the outdoors, I have moved back here 6 years ago, and still exploring and enjoying the outdoors.

  6. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    I was not a creative one. When I was six years old I declared to my family that I wanted to be a farmer. Today I still love animals and had cats when possible. We used to spend our holidays walking in the beautiful French Alps, I remember the meadows full of flowers, the sound of the cow bells, the smell of cut grass. I still like walking in beautiful Wales and Shropshire. I had a collection of “les livres d’Or” which were small stories for children, also my parents’ house were full of books, so I learned the love of reading, which I still enjoy.

  7. Darla
    Darla at |

    More than ever.
    Playing in dirt,
    Playing with paint,
    Exploring the woods.

  8. Sharon Oddie Brown
    Sharon Oddie Brown at |

    Things I loved doing as a child: Being curious. Reading. Writing.Making notes. Checking things out (aka “research”). Taking care of others. Laughing.

  9. Peggy Martens
    Peggy Martens at |

    Reading : always a book or two on the go.
    Looking at the clouds. I love watching thunderheads form.

  10. Becca Rowan
    Becca Rowan at |

    I LOVE this. And yes indeed, the things I loved as a kid are the things that have engaged my heart and mind my entire life. Playing the piano, reading and writing stories, caring for other living things (my family and my pets.)
    Keeping those childhood passions alive are key to feeling happy and satisfied your whole life long.

  11. Karen
    Karen at |

    I am definitely NOT still playing with Barbie Dolls. But I AM having epiphanies everyday, in fact the word itself is one of my favorites that I know I over use.

    In answer to your question, something that I am still doing that I did as a child, is make people laugh. My heart actually grows in size if I can make others, anyone laugh. It fills me with such joy that I can hardly stand it. Perhaps it is partly because I was the youngest in my family, or that both my parents laughed a lot or maybe it’s because my dad was really funny and had the best stories. Either way, if I can make someone laugh daily then MY day is complete.

    As far back as I can remember I have tried to make people laugh.

    PS I never had a bike gang as a kid but I have one now,. 😉


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