4 Responses

  1. Becca Rowan
    Becca Rowan at |

    Colleen, I am with you completely here. Keeping a good balance between the analog and digital world is really important to me. Sometimes I get a real craving to do something with my hands (besides type!) and it’s at those moments I know I’ve gone overboard with digital activity.

    Love this piece and your lovely collage!

  2. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    Colleen, I think you said the right word “moderation”. If I didn’t have the internet, I would not be able to share my views with you and others. It is such a quick means of information and with Facebook a way of keeping in touch with friends and family, however it mustn’t be abused. We also live in a tactile world, I love the sensuality of books, the smell of them (especially old ones), the touch of them, cutting vegetables, making a casserole, hugging your husband (why not?) are important as we are all made of flesh and need contact, not only from the end of your fingers.


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