12 Responses

  1. Stefania
    Stefania at |

    Right on, Colleen, thank you for sharing! Each of us travels the road of life, and choose which path(s) we follow. Life is as busy as we want to make it. Taking time out to enjoy the simple pleasures of life is a gift we not only give ourselves, but those who share our journey. Yes, gratitude is important, we must be thankful for the many blessings we have. And love is truly the greatest gift we can give others and ourselves. Thank you for reminding me that life is a journey, not a destination. Blessings, Nia

  2. M Jackson
    M Jackson at |

    Thanks! I really enjoyed this. I also love Kathleen’s comment, “It’s all very simple, but it ain’t easy.”

  3. Darla Van Horne
    Darla Van Horne at |

    Lots of food for thought here. Thanks Colleen

  4. Gwen Morrison
    Gwen Morrison at |

    Very wise words indeed. Even though some of these may seem like they are pretty obvious, we neglect to do so many of them. We all have these precious 24 hours in a day and there are so many days I feel a bit deflated at the end of the day that I didn’t take time to: Get outside. Explore nature. Get away from the computer! Thanks for sharing and reminding me that I have to make solid conscious choices during those 24 hours. Time– she is a-tickin’

  5. Ruby Dyck
    Ruby Dyck at |

    Thanks Colleen,for sharing your thoughts. This was something I really needed today.

  6. Bruce
    Bruce at |

    That’s a lot of wisdom and good advice from such a young woman!


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