10 Responses

  1. Angie Mizzell
    Angie Mizzell at |

    I love this so much, especially the part about Jimmy Stewart. “So, are you saying it’s more worthwhile to drop bombs on people than to entertain them?” Brought me to tears. Happy New Year, Colleen.

  2. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Colleen, Thank you for all your past blogs and the future ones. I look forward to sharing them.
    Yes, life is a precious gift. You should honour it, care for it, love it. There are 2 paths in life – the one is love and the other hate. It is easier to love. We must remember that we are totally dispensable, what make us human is our capacity to love. So love, love and love.
    Happy New Year to you and Kevin.
    (Love the song. Yes we are indeed the world.)

  3. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Thank you for the reminder. Yes, indeed – we can choose. And with a new year, there is always a feeling that we are given another new chance to choose better. Be better. A new year, with its clean slate, is a gift. I, for one, hope that I can fill the pages with more love and more art. And more connections.

    Happy New Year to you and yours. Bring it on, 2017!

  4. Carol Perehudoff
    Carol Perehudoff at |

    Wishing you a happy heartfelt 2017! And may it be full of acts of kindness and love. Moi! Moi! (Those mean air kisses.)

  5. Lynda
    Lynda at |

    Thank you, Colleen, for this and your last few posts. Though I didn’t take time to comment during the whirl that was, I’m on pause with a certain French widow–Veuve Clicquot–this evening and hours of music and candlelight to savour along with the bubbles. Time to correct the oversight.

    This morning I read another essay/blog post that I thought I’d share. Forget what we have long heard about Social Darwinism, this is an idea (from a surprising source) of Social Compassion. Apropos. Happy New Year!


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