A Blurry Finish to the Dales Way Walk


Blurry Rain - Bruce Searle
Blurry Rain – Bruce Searle


Normally I wouldn’t post a photo this blurry. But this is not normal. (Then again, I have never claimed to be particularly ‘normal’ and quite frankly am not sure what that means…).

The truth is, this photo makes me laugh out loud.  I think that’s a good thing to happen. There is a dorky happiness to this photo that lines up with my ridiculous Easter egg outfit and yesterday’s obscene amount of rain that fell from the sky.

I missed one day of this walk and the tail end of the other due to my goofy right knee. But the rest of them slogged through the longest day of 28 kms so that, in spite of her multi-blistered feet, Yvonne Mounsey, along with Bruce Searle and Kevin Redl, bagged a total of 135 kms.


Yvonne Mounsey in a Flash of Sunshine - Colleen Friesen
Yvonne Mounsey in a Flash of Sunshine – Colleen Friesen


And yes, the weather was sometimes inclement (this is what’s known as an understatement).

But in spite of the rain, the mud-sucking boggy trail, innumerable stiles, slick cow patties the size of small islands and thick trails of nettles, we continued to stomp and stump our way to the finish.

Blue Skies, Big Bridges - Colleen Friesen
Blue Skies, Big Bridges – Colleen Friesen


Between the aforementioned torrents, there was a couple of days of blue ceilinged days with perfect puffy clouds, there were fabulous picnics under million-year old oaks and sheep that followed our every move.  Through it all we laughed like children on a fortnight’s holiday in one of those olde English books from yesteryear.

Collectively we would recommend the Dales Way to anyone who’s ready to walk.

And walk.

And walk…


9 Responses

  1. Stacia
    Stacia at |

    What a fine looking group of travellers – I’d give you a bowl of hot soup for your trouble any day.

  2. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    Soaking wet but happy! Way to walk it!

  3. Wandering Carol
    Wandering Carol at |

    You are a true hiker. Wet, but true. Congratulations!

  4. Sharon Oddie Brown
    Sharon Oddie Brown at |

    Over hills, over dales,
    You have tromped the soggy trails…


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