9 Responses

  1. Martha
    Martha at |

    Wow, great stories. I can relate with a visible lump in my throat. The swelling went down just before an ultra sound a month later. The specialist was skeptical. All the blood tests came back normal. She implied it was my imagination but the GP had verified it was visible. Apparently I have a “ropey” thyroid but there was no explanation for the swelling. It happened over two years ago but I can’t remember if I was upset or just hiding my emotions as a possible cause for the inflammation. Colleen, you are not alone with your crazy interior dialogues. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Bruce Parkinson
    Bruce Parkinson at |

    Hey Colleen: I think you can add WASPs to Mennonites. I went to emerg when I was 25, thinking I was dying…couldn’t breathe, swallow etc. When the young internist gave a diagnosis of ‘unresolved conflict’ for my very physical symptoms, I was dumbfounded. Of course he was absolutely right and I’ve been fighting this and winning (most of the time) ever since. I’m really enjoying reading all of your posts. You’re a wonderful writer and a beautiful human.

  3. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    A very moving post Colleen. I had that same lump in my throat towards the end of my corporate career — it would choke me up to the point where I couldn’t talk and would suffer from long coughing fits. Haven’t had it since, thankfully. Take care ( and I’m so sorry to hear about your friend)

  4. Eva (friesen) Mohammed
    Eva (friesen) Mohammed at |

    Thanks for sharing that I had no idea that issue had a name. Years ago I was doomed with a repetitive dream of having a huge glob in the back of my throat, stopping me from speaking. As much as I pulled at this glob it could not be freed from its place though from time to time there was movement… Then one day, as I was lively in very humble settings, but quiet and calm within myself, I dreamed again and woke with a huge breath of air escaping from my body as the glob was pulled free by my own hands. The dream has never repeated itself and I continue to speak up for what I believe and feel. Globus(glob) Hysterius(hysterics…uncontrollable weeping or laughter)
    Why oh why is it that our people have such need for control of voiced emotions…happy travels.


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