9 Responses

  1. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    I can imagine what you felt reading the article about this young man.
    Yes, what is Fate?
    I love adrenalin adventure but mine are of a safer nature.

  2. sarah
    sarah at |

    Glad you’re still around to tell the tales Colleen!

  3. Barb
    Barb at |

    Thank goodness, i want you around a long long time now that we finally live close to each other and by the way, just because you don’t leap off cliffs doesn’t mean life can’t be exhilarating. I know that you know that already but i had to say it anyway.
    Speaking of fate my brother-in-law just took a 25-foot plunge today out of a tree and fortunately is severely broken rather than paralyzed, so who knows what is in the cards for us.

  4. Martha
    Martha at |

    Oh, Colleen, I got goose bumps when I read that story. Fate is certainly fickle! An Aussie friend of Christine’s, who had travelled everywhere … missed a huge earthquake in Turkey by one day, lost in a sandstorm for 3 days in Africa, etc. … was flung to her death, along with her fiancé, while on an amusement ride at a community fair.

    Beware the finger!

  5. Sharry Miller
    Sharry Miller at |

    Sorry, Colleen, but I just don’t believe it. Oh, I might believe you won’t actively seek out the adrenaline rushes, but if one flings itself at you, I don’t think you’ll really be able to say no. 🙂


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