8 Responses

  1. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    I remember dragging a monster suitcase all over southern France a couple of years ago in late June/early July. I simply had no idea how freakishly hot and humid it could be, and literally everything I brought was too heavy by half.

    What fun to tour South Africa! Have you watched Sugar Man yet? A must-watch pre-trip and a great soundtrack to land to!

  2. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    I’ve travelled with you and know firsthand that you seem to be able to pull an unlimited variety of fab clothing from an impossibly small bag. Computer equipment and camera gear too. I think we need photos.

  3. Elinor Warkentin
    Elinor Warkentin at |

    I’m doing quite fine with my one daypack/carry-on bag for my 3.5 weeks in Paris, Belgium & England. And that includes my laptop, and running gear. One thing I’ve realized is that with so few items of clothing, I’m more creative about what to wear with what. And I didn’t take only one colour. I actually have about 5 colours, but they mix and match very well together. Oh, I did stumble across a charity shop in Lille, France (hmm, was it Tuesday?) where they had a perfect lightweight, scrunchable white top that was perfectly cool for the unusually warm afternoon. And only 2 Euro.

    What is a challenge is the weight of the bag, heavy on my shoulders for in-transit days.

    It’s day 5 today. Could care less about having so few clothes with me, am just so pleased to be exploring such fun places! 🙂

  4. Sharry
    Sharry at |

    I have a trip planned to trek to Macchu Pichu. It’s not until October, but I’m already starting to figure out what I need, or at least, to realize I don’t have anything appropriate. Of course, I’m hoping that after five months of getting ready to hike at above 11,000 feet, I’ll need smaller everything, so I can’t get anything now. I need to just put it out of mind for at least another three or four months, but how will I survive the anticipation. Argh!

    Of course, it’s a delight to have such problems.


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