16 Responses

  1. carol.wiebe@gmail.com Wiebe
    carol.wiebe@gmail.com Wiebe at |

    I am with you on everything said here. And when you casually mentioned that faith was coming up soon, my first response was “Oh, oh.” But then, I’m not certain if I really feel that way.

  2. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    To my astonishment the world seems to have grown larger, not smaller, as I have matured. There are so many new and interesting things to do, to see, to learn. For me it is the natural world and wildlife that I find peace and tranquillity.

  3. Gorde
    Gorde at |

    Interesting blog Colleen. I haven’t thought about what my message is but a button I found on the ground while on a bike tour said “The best things in life are not things”. (Except, perhaps, for my bicycle). My life, my philosophy changed. Less is more, travel light. I’m grateful for my opportunities, that I can be of use, to engage, to acknowledge, to lift others. I find ways to improve my life by attempting to improve the life of those around me when I can…like connecting, even in some small way, to coexist. To quote you, “how we are in the world is our message”. Strive to be happy.

  4. M A Clarke Scott
    M A Clarke Scott at |

    You make it look easy Colleen. It’s really not that easy. Not easy to separate the chattering opinions from your own beliefs. Not easy to remember what your gifts are and to keep giving them without expectation of reward or validation. Not easy to stay calm amidst the incredible amount of noise out there in the world. The hardest of all for me is to let go of expectations. Where do you draw the line between caring and controlling? Between believing and giving up? It takes an enormous amount of faith. Thanks for keeping things in perspective.

  5. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    I’d also add that your travelling light philosophy also includes being open to possibilities, changes in travel plans, rain showers, unexpected inspirations, everyday enchantments and unusual foods – you’re a joy to travel with.


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