12 Responses

  1. Lesley Peterson
    Lesley Peterson at |

    What lovely light on the stone and lovely description of the froggy symphony. The menu “sounds” marvelous, too! Look forward to more postcards from France…

  2. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    Gorgeous photo and I love the idea of a froggy soundtrack. They’re so endangered it’s great to hear they’re thriving somewhere in the world.

  3. Laurie Beeman
    Laurie Beeman at |

    Beautiful photo,
    thanks so much for sharing!!
    I love living vicariously through you!

  4. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    The frogs…. Yes Colleeen, they always remind me of France when I hear them croaking. I remember when I went to French Congo when I was 18, you could hear the frogs there as well, croaking all night in the relentless heat.
    Reading your above answer. Yes, the French take eating seriously. It is not a means to an end but a pleasure, taken “en famille”, where members speak of the experience of their day, relating to each other with a good meal and a glass of wine. That’s living for you !

  5. Carol Wiebe
    Carol Wiebe at |

    Hmmm, cinnamon-scented pigeon. This vegetarian is not finding that especially appetizing, but the garlic and fresh bread cause salivation.

    I’d enjoy the frog fantasia as well as the spectacular view. How wonderful that you are blissing out on it all.

  6. Jana
    Jana at |

    I think it is a stunning photo. I also think it is stunning that a “tiny village” would have a “fantastic” restaurant! How in the world do they earn a living with no populace? And if tourism, how does the village stay tiny?

    So many unanswered questions!


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