10 Responses

  1. Martha
    Martha at |

    Too funny. I used to donate clothing and odds ‘n sods to the MCC store when Katie was alive. She was always so happy to give to that cause and it was an easy way for me to feel good about downsizing/recycling … before it became fashionable. However, there was never a problem finding her when she was in the Menno Home … perhaps I phoned first. Hard to believe that you didn’t use your Sticky Sins! How is yer Dad? Must be well if he can go out and about. Please pass along a hug from me.

  2. barb
    barb at |

    I love it! Wish i was there with you.

  3. Karen
    Karen at |

    I was given a beautiful red angora sweater once and it itched me so badly that even a turtle neck worn underneath could not ease my suffering.
    As for Black Friday, they are comparing it to our Canadian Boxing Day sales. A recent report stated that a shopper sprayed everyone near her with pepper spray so she could get the last XBox. She managed to pay & leave the store during all the mayhem. Later turning herself in.
    Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, oh, and thanks for the XBox Grandma, when are visiting hours in jail?
    Can’t wait to see the new coat Colleen! Sounds gorgeous.

  4. Heidi
    Heidi at |

    Great story!
    I often shop at MCC and have unintentionally walked into one of their sales.
    You’re right – it’s mayhem!

  5. Edna Yasinowski
    Edna Yasinowski at |

    Love that story —- who would of guessed LOL


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