8 Responses

  1. Karen
    Karen at |

    Oh my I love my unintentional play on words! Thanks for pointing that out, it’s a keeper!

  2. karen
    karen at |

    Your blogs Colleen, where you push the envelope, are my favorite. The way you allow us to see inside the foggy window pain, that most of us let steam over, is forever refreshing, enlightening and quite frankly humble. Especially since some of us tend to self medicate or just make ourselves absent for a day or two.
    I myself had a call from sister last night, a big sister call. To that I say Hmmmph. This morning I was up at 5, in all of its bleakness.
    But, today I will enjoy my favorite coffee blend, see a friend, help someone, prepare a meal and exercise (some more). I may even do some grade 7 home work just for good measure!
    A perfect prescription that my friend Colleen would absolutely approve of, that I know.

  3. Carolyn Ali
    Carolyn Ali at |

    I hear you. Monday the weather was so grey and the apartment so quiet. Decided not to go out at all and was feeling pretty forlorn about the freelance motivation. Today went out and saw humans and suddenly am more optimistic about life. Got to fight off that writer’s isolation!

  4. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Laughed out loud at the grey descriptors… death shroud and stanfield underwear being favorites. Gnarly pewter, yogurt mold ring, bathtub scum (doesn’t that sound like a gang?).

    Time to go out to soak up whatever light is left!


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