August 16 – 19th Chicago Conference

Chicago at Night
Chicago at Night
I’d been to Chicago before, but it was long, long ago when I was much younger and I swear I didn’t really pay attention.
Which is why I had no idea it was so cool. The mix of architectural styles is incredible, and plopped in between is random wonderful sculptures.
I was there to go to the One-on-One Conference. Amy Rosen flew from Toronto & we made arrangements to share a lovely room in the Fairmont Hotel. Have I mentioned that I have never, ever had a bad experience at a Fairmont? It could be safely said that I would gladly move in to any one of their Gold Suites and live off Room Service for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, they’re not offering…
We did the requisite Chicago hot dog, though we’re sure we ordered the wrong one because it was definitely a lunch-bag let down. A steamed sad old wiener on a Wonderbread-ish white bun. Kind of neglected looking… And at the risk of sounding heretical, what’s the big deal with the Garrett’s Popcorn? Sort of like Cracker Jack’s only really expensive. Maybe I ordered the wrong flavour?
However those two things are the only sort of average experiences, there was nothing else that wasn’t wonderful. We loved Shaw’s Oyster Bar, loved Brasserie Jo’s, the Art Gallery was very cool, and watching the fireworks from the 94th floor of the Hancock Building was a surreal experience. It’s not often that I’ve looked down on fireworks.
The conference was good. I’d recommend it for any writers who want further contacts with magazine editors…though having said that, we’ll see how the pitches go. If no one responds, well, it would seem I can have that particular experience any time, but then, I would have missed a great trip, in a great city with my new friend Amy.

2 Responses

  1. Jona Redden
    Jona Redden at |

    Thank you for the reasonable critique. Me and my neighbor were just preparing to do some research about this. I am very glad to see such great information being shared freely out there.

  2. Amy
    Amy at |

    Ain’t you sweet. It’s actually called Shaw’s Crab House but we were in the Oyster Bar part of the resto, which is where everyone should eat. Yay Chicago!


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