6 Responses

  1. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    I love this post! You put me right there and I can see, hear, smell and taste everything. Mind you, I don’t know how you get any work done…

  2. Donna Janke
    Donna Janke at |

    Love this post. You made Mexico come to life with its sounds. The VW roof speaker shouting political messages reminded me of our visits to Cabarete in the Domincan Republic. There always seemed to be an election of some sort going on and cars driving down the main street blaring political messages.

  3. Michele Peterson ( A Taste for Travel)
    Michele Peterson ( A Taste for Travel) at |

    What no roosters? No dogs barking? In Puerto Escondido I love the tortilla vendors in their VW bugs, the gas vendor with the musical “gas de Oaxaca song on loudspeaker” and there’s even a guy selling baked yams who has a whistle that delivers an ear-piercing 90 decibels in case you really need a vegetable in a hurry. You never feel alone when surrounded by so much life. I’ve heard there’s a museum in Mexico City dedicated to preserving Mexico’s sounds as so many of them are disappearing.


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