12 Responses

  1. John Alexander
    John Alexander at |

    GREAT move. Big hugs. Now if I can just figure out my own……

  2. Irene Thiessen
    Irene Thiessen at |

    My heart is breaking for you, but you made the right decision. Love and warm hugs.

  3. Stephen Sell
    Stephen Sell at |

    By staying, you have taken the ultimate Buddhist pilgrimage!

  4. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    My heart is heavy to read these words as I can only imagine what a difficult decision it was. But trust in yourself that it was absolutely the right road for you to choose at this time. I’m sending much love and hugs your way.

  5. Sharon Oddie Brown
    Sharon Oddie Brown at |

    Beautiful piece. Perfect decision.
    [This may be one word less than TG’s perfect quote – so maybe I can add “loveyou” which can be one word.]

  6. Tina Wolfe
    Tina Wolfe at |

    Sounds as though you could use a hug so I’m sending a wrap-a-round sincere warm hug.


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