4 Responses

  1. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    LOL I read an old blog post via Twitter and actually thought you were in France for a year. I thought — whaaat???? I too am enjoying being home ( albeit with half a brain it seems) , hugging the kids, eating Chinese food, cooking winter soups and all the things I missed while way. Hope to see you in Toronto when you’re enroute to Kitchener-Waterloo

  2. elinor Warkentin, CTA (Cosmic Travel Agent)
    elinor Warkentin, CTA (Cosmic Travel Agent) at |

    I love the plane wing photo. I take lots of those too. Your inner journeys are as interesting to read about as your global travels.
    Perhaps our love of travel waxes and wanes like the moon, some days the itch is persistent, others it’s so nice to be at home.
    I am now going to look at your Trips page and vicariously live through you from the comfort of my home laptop with chocolate bar accessories. 🙂


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