8 Responses

  1. Jana Botkin
    Jana Botkin at |

    Sometimes don’t you just think it would be easier to have had your house burn down? Then your wouldn’t have to make any decisions. OF COURSE I don’t want that to have happened to you, but holy cow, this can’t be easy.

    And here is a question for you: exactly where/what is “the Sunshine Coast”??

    Thank you for sharing your life to this degree – it certainly is making me think.

  2. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    As the delighted recipient of much of your *Sechelt stuff* I am enjoying your downsizing vicariously! With two teens at home, 3 dogs, a cat, 3 businesses, gardens, 1/2 acre of yard chores… we are still on the ascent of collecting. Soon enough we will be downsizing ourselves into something smaller and less onerous for maintenance and I have a shining example to go by. And perhaps someone I know will be over-the-moon happy to have a keepsake or two, as I am to have the two truckloads of swag from you and Kevin.

    Directly across from me as I type this is a little avantgarde plant stand with one of your old Underwood typewriters from your famous ‘Chickens Typing’ video sitting atop of it, taking the sting out of your exodus to False Creek (after Roberts Creek, any creek would be false, wouldn’t it?).

  3. Mary Ann Clarke Scott
    Mary Ann Clarke Scott at |

    Awesome undertaking Colleen. I wait with bated breath to see the conclusion of your journey.

  4. Dora Dueck
    Dora Dueck at |

    No, don’t stop talking about this. I find what you’re doing — as I’ve also said before — inspiring and fascinating. Ten years ago we downsized from 2600 sq.ft to our current 1300 sq. ft (both with basements of course), which isn’t as drastic as yours, but I keep trying to hold everything in check and to have three “extra” bedrooms up and down furnished just as guest rooms for family/grandkids, etc., not as store rooms etc. etc. So do go on and on and on as far as I’m concerned!


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