7 Responses

  1. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    I couldn’t agree more with your philosophy and am really reminded of what a consumer lifestyle I live whenever I go to Guatemala and visit my mother-in-law who doesn’t even own a garbage can. All the food they eat on the ranch is fresh and sourced within walking distance so has no wrappings. Whatever food isn’t eaten is fed to the pigs, the chickens or Radar the dog. No technology, no TV, no vast wardrobes or well-equipped kitchens — just the cycle of sunrise, sunset and stars. A simple life but rich in many ways.

  2. Dora Dueck
    Dora Dueck at |

    You two are inspiring. Ten years ago down-sized from the big house and the big mortgage, but like you say, it’s a slow and steady creep. But Lean feels so much better, so keep encouraging the rest of us!

  3. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    I am a Cancerian and I am a hoarder so I tend to keep everything – I mean everything. All the letters that my parents have sent me over the years, the family heirloom to clothes. I have a t-shirt that I bought when I was 22 that I wear occasionally (I am 64 now). I get attached to everything as everything represents a memory that I don’t want to lose (I don’t let go very easily). But as we get older I think we need to give more – and enjoy the giving rather than the taking. We need less stuff. I give clothes and other items to charity shops sometimes inadvertently giving things that I meant to keep!

  4. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    This post really resonated with me – not without irony since we were the happy recipients of your sofa for the Vancouver condo – and we’re doing a similar reflection. Are we working for stuff, or to have experiences and peace? 90% of my stress comes from money-related issues, and most of that could be managed by living smaller… one home, only stuff we use (that paddleboard better be busy this year), less food, less things to cook it in, and on and on it goes. Our favorite activity is the weekly excursion route of St. Mary’s Hospital Auxiliary thrift store with donations, the Sechelt Dump, and the share shed. All one way, too!

    Practicing downwardly mobile in Sechelt…


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