10 Responses

  1. karen
    karen at |

    I think you should turn all these blogs into one big blog book! I find your thoughts and writing style quite remakable and utterly enjoyable! I’d buy it!
    Or you could write a book about “writing the book”, I’d buy that too! 🙂

  2. Sharon Oddie Brown
    Sharon Oddie Brown at |

    So you’ll be away for Oscars? The Book Club? I can’t keep up. You go, girl! My head spins. I think I’ll retreat to the 18th Century.

  3. Sharry Miller
    Sharry Miller at |

    I’m with Becca – I have lots of “projects” in my head, but none are anywhere near making it to paper. I’m confident, however, that you’ll learn to noodle your fish out of the pond, and if you cast a big enough net, jellyfish come up by the ton. Maybe this conference will teach you how to noodle or give you a big net. Be confident! I’ll add my love and wishes for luck to Becca’s to give you an added boost.

  4. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Love the ‘beg for more air in the cabin’! I thought you were so well-traveled you didn’t deign to notice such frivolities as oxygen by now. It’s good to push yourself – I haven’t done a writers workshop in years, but I remember the last one, where I had to take my work into the private confab with The Author Himself (I refer to the warm & friendly and yet completely intimidating Andreas Schroeder; to me at least) and my knees could have hired out as a performance act on their own. Funny how it’s like a near-death experience (us creative folk can wring palavering drama out of anything) just showing someone the flotsam from my brain!

    Have a wonderful time, abandoning all expectations, knife between your teeth and sailing into the ferocious headwinds. Write when you find work, as the saying goes!

  5. Becca
    Becca at |

    The writing life is so amorphous, isn’t it? I have a ton of “projects” in my head, and that’s where they seem to stay. At least you’ve made a start at giving yours some legs!

    And maybe this whole conference will be just the kickstart/inspiration you need to set it running 🙂

    Luck and love to you…


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