13 Responses

  1. Sharry Miller
    Sharry Miller at |

    Good choice of quotes, Colleen. Of course, we all know you’re a great writer, as is evidenced by Travelling Light, which I enjoyed reading last week. I’ve been meaning to send you an e-mail to say that I found it heartening that you wrote about small things. I keep feeling like I need to have epic solo adventures in order to have anything worth writing about. It’s good to know that my adventures can be small, group and even routine and still be worthy of my writing time. No matter what we write, putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) is an act of practice and improves us.

  2. Mary
    Mary at |

    Hey Colleen,
    Great quote. I have a question…are you stuck on/in chapter 7? I might suggest you skip it, as though you are walking along a path and you see a big hole. Jump over the hole, carry on along the path, and when you know how to fill the hole, go back and do so. I think sometimes you need to go beyond, and then the past/hindsight will make help you fill in the blanks. Or maybe I am full of baloney. I’m not sure. Bon voyage.

  3. Marie Powell
    Marie Powell at |

    I love that Elizabeth Gilbert talk, and you’ve chosen a great clip from it. Julia Cameron says much the same thing: the key to writing is to show up at the keyboard or the page, put your head down, and do the work. We have to trust the process. A few years ago, I read an article quoting W D Valgardson’s writing affirmations, like: “Writing is fun and easy for me.” Some days, for me, that translates to: “Just write.” Some days that’s all I really need. Good luck with the writing!

  4. Angie
    Angie at |

    I love that quote from Gilbert. It’s comforting to say to your manuscript, “Here I am.”

  5. ruth kozak
    ruth kozak at |

    Good advice. Because Doubt can waylay you from your creativity. Just write and keep going.

  6. Lori Henry
    Lori Henry at |

    Yes. My favourite part?

    “We need more creation, not more destruction. We need our artists more than ever, and we need them to be stable, steadfast, honorable and brave.”

    Also, it’s never too late to dance. 😉


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