Free Trip to Hawaii


My husband Kevin Redl & I are retired; though I don’t quite view us that way. Retired is a really lame word for what we’ve done.  It sounds like you’re all washed up and finished and rocking on a porch somewhere. Not.

I really don’t care what age you ‘retire’. For most people, it just means more freedom to do what they want without having to do it because they have to pay the rent.  It is a freedom from having to work, and instead, choosing what you want to do with your time.  I know we are both more engaged in our lives than we were when we dutifully went off to the office each day.

We quit in 1996. I was 36 and Kevin was 39. Now that we’re both on the other side of 50, it seems kind of bizarre. For some reason, it didn’t seem so absurd then.

I never knew that I would end up writing, especially as much as I am. I didn’t know there was such a thing as a travel writer and I sure didn’t know that I would think a great day was pecking out words on a page.

Meanwhile, Kevin followed a lot of different things, pursuing each with a vengeance.  The common denominator in all of these pursuits has been learning; including completing his masters in economics – for fun.

His lablog pursuit is real estate.  As my wise father would say, Why not? It’s a job that combines many of his interests and talents and still leaves room for travel and lots of free time.  It also means he gets to play endlessly with numbers, help people with their investments and talk about deals. If you want to see a happy man, watch Kevin Redl with an Excel spread sheet and variable interest rates.

All this brings me to Hawaii. Where else could it go?

He’s new to the game so he thought he’d try something different. So for anyone living on British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast or in Vancouver, I’d like to recommend this great Realtor I know.  List and sell with Kevin Redl and you get a trip to Hawaii.

There are no tricks. It is not a conblog or a draw. You just list and sell with him. Then he sends you and your significant other on a free trip to Hawaii.  It’s a win/win deal. He gets to play with numbers and you get to play on the beach.



3 Responses

  1. Bev
    Bev at |

    Hi Colleen, I am a club intrawest member. There is a meeting coming up in Vancouver on June 18. We are encouraging members to attend. We Hope you can attend. Please check out our fb group and website for information members have gathered about our club. Feel fee to blog about it. Thank you.
    Bev Crooks

  2. Lea
    Lea at |

    Is this still going on? and if so then what would i have to do? you said list and sell?


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