6 Responses

  1. Angie
    Angie at |

    I aspire to have a bank of posts… never happens. I was having a similar thought, about imaging my ideas springing from that place of abundance, instead of lack. Both exist, I think. It just depends on where I choose to focus my energy.

  2. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    A beautiful post, I hadn’t heard of that part of the ocean. Buddhism seems so peaceful… none of the jangling I feel around other religious concepts (though, of course, Buddhism is described as a spiritual concept rather than a religious one). I will be mulling that metaphor over all day. Thanks for that.

  3. karen harmon
    karen harmon at |

    Days such as this are to be remembered. Whether hard or easy. Happy or sad. They will be helpful to someone else and insightful years down the line.

    I will think of you often and send you my strength and the ability to create what you need from your own wisdom for the moment.



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