3 Responses

  1. vvdenman
    vvdenman at |

    For the most part, writing is a joy for me. However, there are times when it’s torturous. It’s a gentle mix. A bit of both.

  2. colleenfriesen
    colleenfriesen at |

    I love it…though I hope I don’t have to suffer severe angst just to be good at this. I’m willing to accept maybe just a little angst, just enough to make the results good, but please, please, not huge and massive amounts of suffering. Are we allowed to wish for specifics like that?

  3. Bruce
    Bruce at |

    Apropos of your post: My brother is a successful playwright (and tv writer). A friend of his is even more successful. They were at a writers intensive (at which all the playwrights in attendance would have their plays read in front of an audience). My brother was nervous as hell, chewing his nails, and both of them were smoking frantically, having trouble eating, hadn’t slept in days. They ran into another playwright who was chipper as hell, almost giddy at the prospect of having his play read, because, he was certain that it was wonderful.

    My brother’s friend turned to my brother and said, “Why do you think the guy whose plays invariable suck is happy, and we’re miserable, and our stuff is almost always well received? You think there’s some kind of correlation, a cause and effect?”
    “Could be,” said my brother. “Or he could just be an idiot.”

    And that happy guy’s play did, indeed, suck.


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