4 Responses

  1. Jana
    Jana at |

    Welcome to the world of Mac! I’ve never used anything but (except for a few forgettable jobs) and can’t imagine why anyone would want another kind of computer. No need for Scrivener – hassling with Adobe InDesign, which was CLEARLY not designed by Apple.

    And that was a very fun to read blog post, Colleen!

  2. Sharry Miller
    Sharry Miller at |

    First, I think I’m going to have to get Scrivner. It looks like a fantastic program that I will force myself to find a need for – it’s time to get some of these ideas out of my head where far too many things are getting lost lately. Thanks for sharing it.

    Second, I see that, contrary to your pre-2012 predictions, the Humber course has not kept you from traveling. The States, Mexico, France…. I don’t think you’re capable of giving up traveling for more than a week or two at a time 🙂


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