It’s Wednesday.
Back in my 9-5 days, we called this Humpday; as in, you’re over the hump and sliding toward Friday…we said this as if it were a good thing.
Oh to be young and that stupid…
But I guess that back in those halcyon (not!) working days, it was an expression of how we felt. But just like the expression, killing time, I find that whole concept of hoping that time would somehow speed up and be over, as an appalling view of the world.
Because in case anyone’s listening Up There….please, please, I want to slow the whole thing down.
I want to crank the dial – hard – to the left and be graced with more minutes, more hours, more days.
I have so many ideas and places to go and things to create and things to learn and people to see and I want to grab it all with both hands.
And yet, here I am. Trying also, to learn to let go and just BE.
And it is on days like this, when I feel like I can’t cram any more thoughts in my head, it is precisely at this time, when I think I don’t have enough time, that I have to stop and take 30 minutes to meditate and do nothing at all.
I’ll tell you what. If you feel rushed and you want to slow time down? Try sitting and not thinking for half an hour.
Time moves about as slow as unpasteurized honey on a cold plate.
There is a great verse in the Bible. If you have trouble with that God word, you can substitute Time, or Consciousness…doesn’t matter. It’s still a fun play on words.
The verse goes like this: Be Still and Know that I am God.
You can distill it further: Be still and Know that I Am.
Or further: Be still and Know That.
Or: Be still.
And finally: Be.
There we go…that’s more like it.
Thanks for the reminder!! Particularly this time of year, the energy revs up and
expectations of yourself rise!!! Oh ya, Be still and be!
You know what Laurie? I write these things to remind myself! Glad it works for you too:)