6 Responses

  1. Karen
    Karen at |

    After working with special needs adults and children, after helping homeless, low income (some alcohol & drug dependent) individuals I like to tell myself this, “everyone was once a tiny baby, with no hurts, habits, blemishes, our feet hadn’t even been used yet!
    We were all held in someone’s arms and all we wanted was to be loved”. What happens to us along the way? Perhaps with some people we will never know. The outcome, no matter how annoying, irritating, selfish and hurtful people can be, we ALL still want to be loved. If we could visualize each other as tiny little babies we might be able to cope better and let those certain behaviors and comments go.
    p.s. After raising two daughters through teenage years and a son just entering the double digits, I read somewhere “that being a teenager is like having a mental illness”, Wow did that ever help me with the drama.
    Thank you Colleen for making me think, AGAIN!

  2. Laurie Beeman
    Laurie Beeman at |

    Good stuff, really good stuff!!
    You have to know what to own and what not to.
    I think it is human nature to love drama,
    look how much attention it gets? good or bad,
    the key is wanting to be noticed and heard.
    I like the idea of just taking a moment before
    reacting, as we have no control of others.
    I will practise it too!

  3. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Having difficulty applying it towards teenagers! I would say dealing with teenagers means having the memory of a salmon (bonk-hurts… I forgot…. feel good, bonk, hurts) but as the bonking is happening with metronome-like frequency nicht so gut. Or another way of saying it is what if each moment is exactly like the one that just drifted away on the river? Love my girl, so is it hey this is me being reactionary, or is the offense real? Oh, I don’t feel karmically in the groove on this one, sister, wanna get there, I do, but if only she wouldn’t say those things in that way!

    As I said to someone last night: I want to be childlike, not child-ISH. If wishes were horses, I’d have a herd running over me right now.


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