What if there’s an emergency? I heard all the ads last week during Emergency Preparedness Week, and I thought (at least seventeen times) about getting all Emergency Prepared, but you know how these things go?
But just about an hour ago, I turned on the tap. Nada. Zero.
That registered in my brain, or so I thought, until I grabbed my microwaved leftovers and then went to fill up a glass of water…uh, right. Still nada.
And when I went to water the plants, hose in hand…uh, hello? Once more with feeling.
And then I thought some more about those ads that said we should be able to take care of ourselves for at least 3 days…hmmm. Ten minutes has gone by and I’m getting thirstier by the second.
I figure we probably have enough tins of beans and stuff to make it, but what they suggest is having this stuff all together so you can just grab everything at once. I guess if your house is caving in from an earthquake there’s not a lot of extra time to assemble the chickpeas.
So. Here’s my challenge. I throw down the gauntlet so to speak…or maybe everyone out there is way more prepared than moi? Just in case you’re not…
Here’s the government’s site on what should be in that old suitcase…I’m printing my copy and ticking off those boxes.
I just had another horrible thought. Am I merely engaging in yet another form of writerly procrastination? This looks suspiciously like polishing stove knobs. Except, this could actually prove to be a very beneficial thing what with us living on a fault line and all…there IS that.
So. I hereby promise myself to write for one hour before I begin assembling and ticking the list of emergency preparedness items. There. That’s good.