15 Responses

  1. Corinne
    Corinne at |

    Happy New Year, Colleen! Just so you know, I read every word of yours with excitement, always so happy to see a new post sitting in my inbox. If it’s any consolation in the midst of this really, really rough patch you’re navigating, you are pouring out some REALLY amazing, poignant words. Thinking of you!

  2. Mary
    Mary at |

    You write so beautifully. And I love the collage. You are truly an artist of life. This one really touched my heart.

  3. sarah
    sarah at |

    Thank you for this Colleen. Although I know it wasn’t, I feel as though it was written especially for me on this day. Your words are truth and beauty and just exactly what I needed to hear in this exact moment. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  4. Elinor Warkentin, CTA (Cosmic Travel Agent)
    Elinor Warkentin, CTA (Cosmic Travel Agent) at |

    I love your Motherhood artwork. Well done! Impressive!
    In your honour, I will now go read a book and relax. And maybe eat some chocolate. 🙂

  5. Dee Dee
    Dee Dee at |

    I love your writing…your brain…your truth…the truth. I am thankful to have you as my guru-blogger!

  6. Ruby & Richard Dyck
    Ruby & Richard Dyck at |

    Friends like you make the difficult times so much easier ; so sorry about your friend, but good on you !

  7. Martha
    Martha at |

    You said it so much better than I could.

    I went for a walk in the gorgeous sunshine today and who did I meet but Monica, the epitome of sunshine! We remarked on how lucky we were to be alive. We compared fitness monitors. She had a FitBit (gift from her son) synched to her IPhone. It startled her yesterday when it started to buzz indicating that she’d reached her target of 10,000 steps. I had my Nike Step/distance/time/calorie monitor with a similar goal of 10,000.

    I asked her how old she was, thinking she was about my age, but was surprised to hear she was 77. She beamed when I told her she didn’t look it — not even any wrinkles, just a few laugh lines!

    Then I complimented her on her lovely pink and purple silk scarf. She replied “It’s old, but so am I, and I love it too. At our age we can say and do whatever we want, and enjoy every minute of it.”

    Colleen, your journey may not be easy right now, the steps are heavier, but know that you are in the right place doing the right thing. That’s as good as it gets!

  8. Becca
    Becca at |

    I needed to hear this tonight. Thanks Colleen, and blessings to you on this journey you’re taking with your friend. Wishing you both peace.


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