6 Responses

  1. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    “My depressed-tiredness was actually my anger in disguise”. This sentence makes me think that as a child I was always tired. Wouldn’t it be that my father was always away and I never knew the reasons? I am still angry and yes when there are people who completely deny that Covid exists, who don’t believe that they should be vaccinated or even that we shouldn’t have had lockdown, Deny, deny…. Put our heads in the sand and make out that everything is all right and of course so many people in developing countries are waiting to be vaccinated. Yes we are the privileged ones. Here in France where I am at the moment, the wearing of masks is compulsory in ALL establishments, consequently the rate of infection is much lower than in the UK where relaxations were brought in far too early.

  2. Barb
    Barb at |

    Bravo for being able to admit it’s anger! I get so tired of people denying that the biggest motivator for our actions, after fear (which they won’t admit to having either, especially if they are male) is anger. Once you recognize it there is hope to move past it.

  3. Martha Melling
    Martha Melling at |

    And who can blame you? I’m angry too. Why are there so many irresponsible people dragging their butts or simply refusing to get vaxxed? Hospitals are overburdened, medical staff are overworked, surgeries are cancelled, heart attacks are put in the hallways, while these COVID morons get preferential treatment! Give me strength!


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