4 Responses

  1. Mary Ediger
    Mary Ediger at |

    Gosh another one that I missed until now. Love this. I love them all and but I really like this. More really than usual. I love the birds on the wires! Is it for sale? I want to buy it. Love you dear long time friend.

  2. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    Using painting as a metaphor for life is thought provoking. Personally I have never dabbled at art and when cooking I need a recipe, usually when walking I also need a precise route map. As far as life is concerned I am very much a” what you see is what you get” kind of a person. I have never followed a plan.
    This started me thinking about how many people in the world up until 2019 had precise plans whether to marry, start a business, enter a new career after leaving University. For all these plans came crashing down with Covid.
    As the 25th January is Burns Night I am reminded of his famous line
    “The best laid plans of mice and men oft gang astray”


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