10 Responses

  1. Maureen
    Maureen at |

    As usual, love reading and letting it marinate. 😘

  2. Kumstewa Boyle
    Kumstewa Boyle at |

    To everything there is a season…

    Light is the Left Hand of Darkness…

    Uhhh… No matter where you go, there you are.

    And the corollary…
    No matter where you are, there you go.

  3. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    “Life is a gift”. That’s what my late father used to say to me. He was full of wisdom and acceptance. I don’t think we can stay happy all the times, we have moments of happiness. We are totally unnecessary in this life, what makes humans is love. I am sending you a text, which I hope you will like and applies to what you have written. It is in French.
    Our very best wishes to you and Kevin for a Happy, Healthy and Hopeful 2021!

    La vie est un mystère

    La vie est une chance, saisis-la.
    La vie est beauté, admire la.
    La vie est béatitude, savoure-la.
    La vie est un rêve, fais-en une réalité.
    La vie est un défi, fais-en lui face.
    La vie est un devoir, accomplis-le.
    La vie est un jeu, joue-le.
    La vie est précieuse, prends-en soin.
    La vie est une richesse, conserve-la.
    La vie est amour, jouis-en.
    La vie est un mystère, perce-le.
    La vie est une promesse, remplis-la.
    La vie est un hymne, chante-le
    La vie est un combat, accepte-le.
    La vie est une tragédie, prends-la à bras le corps.
    La vie est une aventure, ose-la.
    La vie est un bonheur, mérite-le.
    La vie est la vie, défends-la.

  4. Bern Richards
    Bern Richards at |

    Brava, Colleen. Life is for the living. What then, shall we do with this one wild and precious life? Indeed.

  5. Gwen Morrison
    Gwen Morrison at |

    Colleen, how timely (as usual.) You always seem to write the right words at just the right time. As though you are reading my mind! (You and Alexa in cohoots? ) Anyway, thank you for the reminder. I’ve been in a bit of a funk of late and this was just the kick in the pants I needed to remind me that time is a-tickin’. This has been a year of years, to be sure, and it feels good to turn the page to a shiny new year. Wishing you and yours the best 2021 has to offer. Thanks again for the reminder that we only have one go-round–pandemic or not!


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