23 Responses

  1. Mary Ediger
    Mary Ediger at |

    I can’t believe I missed this…until now. Thank you again for saying so much with such rich insight. At times I would like to crawl around inside your head, maybe sit there with a coffee and smile. Your posts are fun, inspiring, thoughtful, wise… yes always onward.

  2. Sandy Quinn
    Sandy Quinn at |

    “Probe the Depths from Which Your Life Springs

    My only advice for you is this. Go within yourself and prove the depths from which your life springs, and there at its source you’ll find the answer to the question of whether you must write. Accept this answer, just as you hear it, without hesitation. It may be revealed that you are called to be an artist. Then take this lot upon you, and bear it, its burden and it’s greatness, without asking for any external reward. For the creative artist must be a world for himself, and find everything within himself – and in nature, to which he is devoted.

    Paris, February 17, 1903, Letters to a Young Poet’, Rainer Maria Rilke”

    Good morning Colleen, from the in-between-times, the bardo between Christmas and the coming of a New Year. I am always so happy when Yvonne sends on a snippet of your creativity . Not having a FB account myself or a driving great desire to sign up for regularly posted blogs, it is always a pleasure to be sent something of great soul value.

    And so in response to the message that came via Y on Dec. 22 I thought of you this morning when I read this passage from a letter written more than century ago. It called to mind this particular piece you wrote to all who might listen, bringing into sharp focus my own inner struggle with ‘writer-artist’ expression, my constant suppression of muse. The realization dawned, it is a futile and exhausting endeavor to deny the creative connection to the divine. When it is ready to express itself it will! I only have to open to it wholeheartedly.
    So thank you for continuing to write when you are moved to share something….this intent has moved me!
    xo sb

  3. rand davis
    rand davis at |

    Yes Colleen,

    Single tracks, creekside trails and mountain highways all lead somewhere.

    It’s up to us to either follow or just recognize their solitary attraction.

    We here are indeed blessed to be able to choose.

  4. Teresa Mills-Clark
    Teresa Mills-Clark at |

    While we haven’t met in person, I feel there is so very much with which we are in accord. Nature as a living, healing tonic. Quietude to be reflective. Gratitude even during a gradual stepwise decrepitude. And grieving personal contact aka HUGS.

    I go through stages of needing to actively tamp down FOMO. Lost travel and with that a lessening of photography, another form of engaging with my environment.

    I count myself fortunate that my children are adult and healthy and their families are well. I count myself fortunate that we are not faced with loss of income. I count myself fortunate that I am retired from the pressure cooker of working in Emergency, a department I loved but think of the erosion of dealing with insufficient resources for 10 consecutive months. And, I miss the one to one contact and potential to make a difference towards wellness. Talk about double-edged.

    Thank you for your reflective piece.

    Wishing you and Kevin whatever it is that you celebrate during this time of the year and for a Healthy New Year

  5. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    What a year it has been, full of fear and anxiety and social distancing. I have missed friends and family and travelling, but as you said Colleen, it will pass. Nothing lasts for ever and there will be light at the end of the tunnel; families will be reunited, hugs will be exchanged. The UK has been at the forefront of developing the vaccine and my lovely neighbour has already had the jab. Here is a positive thought. We must all hold in there. Lovely photos as usual.

  6. Joan Bowers
    Joan Bowers at |

    Dear Colleen, It is so good to hear from you again. I forgot that I was missing your brief notes here on Twitter. Your morning despair is something I’ve been sharing many (not all) waking up times. My coping is different – I’ll take a lesson from you in moving beyond it. Keep writing, please, keep in touch and keep sending out some inklings of your art. The photos here make me envious for the wide open spaces!

  7. Martha Melling
    Martha Melling at |

    Hey Colleen,
    When you wrote “casually talking to friends and waving to new acquaintances,” my thoughts went back to our chance meeting on Broadway. Nothing casual about the wild woman waving both hands and shouting my name from half a block away. When Christine remarked, “Do you know her?” I cracked up. Nothing introverted about that hug either.
    Thanks for sharing. We’ll get through this!
    Love you cousin,

  8. Christine Besold
    Christine Besold at |

    Thank you so much for sharing this Colleen! Yes, we are doing fine on the outside but deep inside we are hurting and grieving. I am grieving the loss of innocence and carefreeness (nothing bad will ever happen …), the loss of being physically close to friends, family and just people. What hurts the most is that I haven’t had a hug from my children since last Christmas and was only able to see them once this Summer, when they came to town and we had a physical distant bbq. They live in Calgary and I worry about them every day. My husband teaches Highschool, which adds another level of anxiety to our life.
    I could not bring myself to sit down and write Christmas cards to my friends and family in Europe’s far. We all live with this pandemic for almost 10 months now, so what is there to write about other than the constant fear, anxiety and uncertainty hovering above us? How merry can Christmas be this year, and will the New Year bring happines and health to all of us?
    Your writing has inspired me to just write it as it is. And to remind myself about all the good and positive things in my life over and over again.
    Looking forward to a brighter New Year, filled with many social gatherings, hugs and tears of joy.
    Thank you, Christine

  9. Victoria Nelson
    Victoria Nelson at |

    Love you my friend. You are amazing. Big big hugs. And love. Victoria

  10. Helen
    Helen at |

    Colleen……you nailed it ALL in this post. Thank you dear writer for sharing your beautiful self in so many ways!


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