13 Responses

  1. Shannon
    Shannon at |

    Thank you for writing and for sharing this piece Colleen. There is so much courage, so much honesty …it is and always has been the strength in all of you. It has been a humble privilege to be alongside and witness the truth, the intimacy, the fierce tenderness. Rhonda’s final hours collected it all. It was Love, present and actioned over all these years, alongside so much pain, and Love that was left at the end. Thank you again for this piece.

  2. Janet Bergen
    Janet Bergen at |

    A beautiful testament of devotion, Colleen!

    I saw Rhonda days before her death, honored that she asked for me all the while being tormented by her countenance that was already beyond this world; Mom and dad accompanied me, they supported Rhonda when others did not. Could I have done more to ease her difficulties; probably, but I was too pained by past hurts.

    I thank my dad for keeping faith and for you Colleen, for supporting Carma and Sean at the time of Rhonda’s death as well as before and after so that they might have hope and peace!

    Take care. Stay safe.

  3. Maureen
    Maureen at |

    To be surrounded by such love at the end- it is the greatest gift. Thank you for sharing your story Colleen. ❤️

  4. Laurie McConnell
    Laurie McConnell at |

    So beautiful, and what a time to read it. When so many can’t sit vigil, pick up KFC and eat together. How strange to read this as lucky!

    I’m so glad you were all able to be present and stay in the moments stretching into eternity. My brother-in-law was there for his father’s passing and wishes he’d never seen it. Death is different for everyone.

    I’m glad Rhonda is at peace, and that her children were able to love her out. Many stories of addiction do not end this way. Grace has a mighty power.

  5. Frank Dyck
    Frank Dyck at |

    Thankyou Colleen for that beautiful writing .I wish I could have had felt that very special feeling to see her go.I really liked Rhonda. Did she not have a better chance.It was so great that you and her children could be together to see her die. Frank Dyck

  6. Carol Wiebe
    Carol Wiebe at |

    Our flawed hearts offer
    Intermittent love we hope
    Will prove sufficient


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