24 Responses

  1. Dorothy Willms
    Dorothy Willms at |

    Thanks for this Colleen. I always feel better after reading one of your posts – today is no exception.

  2. Gwen Morrison
    Gwen Morrison at |

    True words. Thanks for sharing. I agree wholeheartedly that this feels like a reset. That we will come out of this changed – both individually and collectively. My hope is that it will bring about the kinds of changes that bring us closer together as a nation (especially here in the US) and that we have used this time to think about what’s truly important in our own lives.

    Hang in there, my friend. Love you and hope you stay well and cozy in your beautiful log home.

  3. Jim webster
    Jim webster at |

    Maybe now is our time to show that doing nothing is what needs to be done. Your words help bring clarity to what many of us are thinking and have been sharing with others in pieces and bites. Thanks

  4. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    I never thought that I would witness a pandemic of this scale in my lifetime, but this is unprecedented. As Emmanuel Macron said: “We are at war” and we must be confined into our home. Neighbours become precious, friends phone more often. Everybody seems to look after each other. I even noticed that my road is much quieter than normal. As far as the environment is concerned, there is less pollution, but there are also deaths and hearts broken. So yes we need solidarity with each other and I wish that it could last.

  5. Linda Greene
    Linda Greene at |

    I enjoy your writing so much! Thank you Colleen! I shared your post and I was amazed and happy at the number of my friends and family that loved it and shared it too.

  6. Ed Alm
    Ed Alm at |

    Well written Colleen, you have a gift for insightful prose…really enjoyed your introspection.

  7. Doug O’Neill
    Doug O’Neill at |

    You nailed it, Colleen, particularly with your acknowledgment that “we need each other to survive.” Less “me first.”
    Longing for the simpler things….
    Be well

  8. Coral
    Coral at |

    Wow Colleen, I have read all your posts and this one has helped bring clarity to this whole situation in a very profound way for me. After days of trying to process all this new information this was the best summary put there. Try and get this out there beyond this post. Please, the world needs this perspective.

  9. Sally passey
    Sally passey at |

    Colleen, thank for these wonderful thoughts, it’s so strange to think that our whole world is in the same situation,,,,but as you say, we who live under these beautiful mountains, are so privileged….take care my dear! Cheers sally P

  10. Liz Jansen
    Liz Jansen at |

    Thank you Colleen.

    It turns out that doing what seems like nothing…is actually a whole lot of something. In fact, it is the absolute best thing we can do.

    Isn’t that the truth in so many areas of our life; never so important as now.

  11. TaylorecSinclaire
    TaylorecSinclaire at |

    Thanks Colleen. Grounded reality.

  12. JoAnne Stirton
    JoAnne Stirton at |

    Well said Colleen. We must all do our part to help erase this virus.


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