16 Responses

  1. Leeann Froese
    Leeann Froese at |

    What a relate-able read. You so elegantly articulate what many mid-aged women are going though. Thank you, and happy birthday!

  2. RoseMary Griffith
    RoseMary Griffith at |

    Brilliant, “The beauty is, that as my skin loosens, so, somehow does my soul.”
    My celebration of age is entitled, “Complain. Contemplate. Celebrate. I’m turning 60!” Yep, next week. So I am with you on the inside not matching the outside, but oh gosh I love where the inside has gotten me: happy with life!

  3. Gwen Morrison
    Gwen Morrison at |

    An amazing article, as always. This one really hit home for me today, so thank you again. I especially loved this: “There is a letting go that comes with each year that passes. A letting go of expectations; both of myself and of others. I am less ambitious, more content, quicker to laugh at the absurdity of it all, and yet, also faster to weep at all that is broken.”

    I’m finding myself almost, but not quite, there with you. I feel like I’m teetering just on the edge of this letting go thing — still struggling with the expectations, especially of myself. I do find myself less ambitious and way less stressed out about things, but my fingers are still gripping the edge of the cliff and I’m not able to jump fully into this next phase. I can see the soft landing, but not sure why I’m hanging on so tight.

    Your words were a good reminder of what’s awaiting me when I finally let go. Thank you.

  4. Christie Hazen
    Christie Hazen at |

    I love the weave of your writing.
    I’m trying to write something clever, simple to say how your writing is so personal but I always relate to your writing personally. Thank you❤️

  5. Mackenzie Morgan
    Mackenzie Morgan at |

    I love this essay so much
    Colleen! In my experience, the art of life and living can be very fragile at times! “All I know is that things change. You can choose to adapt or resist.” As Darwin once said “Adapt or die.” Happy 59th my friend……..🎂

  6. Kelly Cervi
    Kelly Cervi at |

    Lovely, like the author…Happy Birthday!

  7. Carol Wiebe
    Carol Wiebe at |

    Colleen, would you believe I also won a coloring contest when I was 12? That was in Calgary, Alberta. I won a set of World Books, a set of Childcraft, and a double standing bookshelf to put them in. I just found my newspaper clipping the other day.

    Oh, and my hands look like my mother’s. Actually, I think hers look better, lol.

  8. Taylore
    Taylore at |

    So poignant, ageless & perfect.


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