10 Responses

  1. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Sometimes I feel like this when I come back from travelling. I think that you always leave part of yourself every time you go somewhere and it is hard to come back to reality.

  2. Bruce
    Bruce at |

    As I read this I am sitting in the Guatemala airport about to head home after two weeks of traipsing around Central.America. I have already have some of those feelings and I am not even home yet.

    But to quote my Dads favourite Bible verse which echoes your sentiments : 1 Kings 18:1, the King James version says, “And it came to pass ” (Misquoting this verse from the Bible always makes him smile)

    As much as I look forward to getting home I know the business of my life will pull me through the reentry transition

  3. Nancy Jeakins
    Nancy Jeakins at |

    Colleen. Lovely. You were travelling with my dear friends Yvonne and Bruce. I travel a lot. We have a home where my husband is from. So lots of back and forth and we love to travel. Currently staying near a small town near the border of Tuscany and Umbria. I get that feeling a lot and it’s not at all comfortable.
    I’ve decided its all the parts of my body and soul cells transitioning and settling
    And needing to get some little roots back into my current “home”. Takes time but we get there.

  4. Gwen Morrison
    Gwen Morrison at |

    Re-entry is weird, in general, I think. Even when you leave your everyday for a short jaunt to a tropical island (which I recently did and arrived home not only with weird re-entry but regret. Don’t even ask…) Glad you woke up with a feeling of being right where you were supposed to be. That’s really it, I think. Accepting the reality of where we are — now, today. Physically — and even metaphorically, I would guess. The great part is that you embrace your life wherever you are! Enjoy your writing, walking, painting. It’s a good life, eh?

    And welcome home.

  5. Kathy Provost
    Kathy Provost at |

    Sounds like heaven to me . 💗


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