10 Responses

  1. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Bienvenue en France, Colleen. i think your choice of clothes is right, black and white always look smart. Yes, Paris is chic, though not as much as it was in the 50’s and 60’s. I am going to France soon, but in the rural part, so there is no dress code there. I hope you will enjoy your walking. It is quite a popular past time with people and there are well defined paths (you don’t walk through fields like in England). Enjoy the food; I like to think that we know how to take the time to savour our meals in France.
    “Tintin et Milou” are Belgian. I probably read most of “Herge” books when I was a child. I liked the blunders of the “Dupont et Dupond”.
    Have a good and enjoyable trip.

  2. Sophie Berner
    Sophie Berner at |

    Happy landings and hiking trails. You will love it all…I’m sure. Made this type of trip 10 years ago with some women friends. (We walk, eat and drink instead of hiking, huffing and puffing these days). Paris to Avignon – Uzes, and back, though not walking the whole way.. Will follow you all the way, wherever you go…👍👍

  3. Tammy
    Tammy at |

    So excited to follow this adventure as we are hoping to go to France next year to celebrate our 30th in Paris, and a bike tour through Provence. You’ve already addressed my biggest problem – packing too much. I will be watching fb and Ig for the pictures, and the blog posts once you return. Best wishes for a safe, and fun, trip!

  4. Elinor Warkentin
    Elinor Warkentin at |

    Eat some chocolate for me too! And have a wine cheese baguette picnic. In public. Just because you can. So civilized, even Mennonites drink in public in France.

  5. Mackenzie Morgan
    Mackenzie Morgan at |

    Travel safe you lucky gal!!! As always, I will be with you in spirit….💜❤️❤️


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