6 Responses

  1. Diane Engh
    Diane Engh at |

    Sounds like you are truly settled. The inside pictures are lovely.

  2. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    This place is heaven – mountain air, wildlife at your doorstep, friendliness of people, considerate drivers …. What else do you want? I am glad you’ve found such an ideal place to live. I am coming too.

  3. Kathy Provost
    Kathy Provost at |

    Colleen it sounds like you have found many of the same charms I discovered when I moved to the Cariboo. The traffic stopping, people waving for you to go at a four way stop when it’s not your turn, doors held open, bank tellers calling you by name, people making eye contact on the street and saying hello or good morning when they don’t know you, I could go on, … but you are finding this too! Welcome to small town life, it’s marvellous! 😉


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