18 Responses

  1. Katherine Hammond
    Katherine Hammond at |

    hi Colleen… we met briefly many years ago in Mission… maybe through Andreas and Sharon? I was married then and running a log and timber frame construction company with my husband, Rob Littler. I have very happily made some major life changes; new name (honoring my mother), new home (floating on the Fraser River) and now, very much, living in the moment and making my home wherever my heart happens to be! Lots of winter travelling with my new partner, living for several months in warm and colorful countries … Mexico, Nicaragua and Costa Rica (so far).

    I was always drawn to your feistiness and sense of humour! Nice to reconnect.


  2. Gwen Morrison
    Gwen Morrison at |

    I love this so much! I’m so with you on the “I don’t want to live in a black and white world.” Both as it relates to color and to so many other black/white things in my life. It’s amazing how much we still have to learn from this big world, isn’t it? I can’t wait to read about your next adventure. Good luck with your move and I hope to connect soon!

  3. Beverly
    Beverly at |

    What a great read and so very true of our experience of life in Mexico! It was a pleasure to meet yourself Colleen and Kevin today in our new found breakfast eatery in La Peñita. You’re such a great example of going with the flow and enjoying the moment:) Truly a blessing. With kindness Beverly and Alfred

  4. Shelly Stokes
    Shelly Stokes at |

    Amen. You have beautifully described all the reasons I’ve dragged my sweetie to Chapala for the next chapter of our life. Bold colors, loud music, a mercado bursting with fresh everything! I’ll admit the loud music can be a bit much at times, but this place is bursting with life.

    I’m so glad you stopped by when you made your quick trip to Chapala. I enjoyed meeting Kevin.

  5. Carol Mathews
    Carol Mathews at |

    Colleen, thanks so much for sharing the blessings.
    Reading this brings a smile to my face and feels like sunshine in my heart.
    Your photos are beautiful!
    Yes life has its way of delivering the perfect thing if our eyes are open to receive.
    Good for you and Kevin…❤️

  6. Dee dee
    Dee dee at |

    Viva la Mexico❤️

  7. Susan Elmajian
    Susan Elmajian at |

    Hola Colleen
    I’ve really enjoyed all your posts re: Mexico. The colors, the food, the noise and the people. So good.
    Sent your last blog to my beautiful Mexican daughter in law and she was so appreciative of your appreciation and love of her country.
    Susie xo

  8. Sophie Berner
    Sophie Berner at |

    Thank you, thank you, thank you Colleen, you’ve coloured my grey/white winter with glorious hues of yellow, red, green, blue, and so many other splashes of life. I’m going to miss Mexico.😕

  9. Martha
    Martha at |

    Another great story! Love the colourful photos of Mexico and completely agree that you can never have enough avocados or fresh OJ! Another good thing is tree ripened grapefruit … so much better than store bought. Life is definitely better with sunshine and bright colours. Mexico sounds like my kinda place.


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