Revelations, realizations, shifts in perspective, thoughts, ideas, reflections – or perhaps it is a combination of them all. Whatever it is, I mostly file them under one heading: travel announcements.

I’ve written about travel announcements before. And, as anyone who has traveled with me for any period of time knows, this is kind of a ‘thing’ with me.
To be fair, some of my revelations are yesterday’s news to many people. Hell, they’re often my own yesterday’s news that I have suddenly rediscovered (yet again).
But I think many clichés, were, at one time, cloud-splitting revelations. Why else are they trotted out and brought forward with every generation?

But first, a little background context. For anyone who hasn’t been following this blog, the big news in our lives is that when we get back to British Columbia, we’ll be moving from the beautiful coastal town of Sechelt to the mountain village of Kimberley. We haven’t found a house yet so there is a bit of the unknown in this shift. Some faith is required that something will show up by the time we need it.
Here in Mexico, we have been living in a little casita. It is probably around 350 sq ft. We have a bedroom, a tiny kitchen, a one-sofa living room and a tiny bathroom. We share a common courtyard with a pool and lots of outdoor living space with people that were strangers when we arrived. They are now part of our little village within the village of La Peñita.
When we went to Chapala for a few days last week, and then returned here, we felt like we were coming ‘home’. The same thing happened only a little while after we moved into our townhouse in Sechelt, and before that, the cottage in Roberts Creek and before that, in our RPod trailer that we lived in for close to six months…each place has felt like home.
And here comes my non-earth-shattering cliché announcement: Home is Where the Heart Is.
And my heart, dear people, resides within myself and with my husband Kevin Redl. To make it very simple, because it is: Heart = Home.

There are, of course, ancillary aspects to creating a sense of home. I have worked on my writing project almost every weekday. We have been faithfully taking our Spanish lessons. We have walked and walked, and as such, created a sense of territory in doing so. We’ve kept in touch with phone and email and messages with our family and friends. I’ve even done a little art (though I’ve discovered that I rather suck at watercolours). We’ve had many friendly encounters and talked to people who are creating fulfilling lives here, somewhere so different than where they have started. We can call this work and purpose and community.
Or we can just say, we brought ourselves to this place, fully engaged in it and it feels as home-like as anywhere else we’ve lived. Apparently, all you really need to do is show up!
Which brings me to my next travel announcement; When smiling…bring everything to the experience or don’t do it at all. It can sound cliché (see above as to why) but the smiles I’ve exchanged here feel more like blessings than a simple greeting.
Our best Buenas Tardes are returned with smiles that flood into eyes and are felt in the heart. Everything is brought to the encounter. Nothing is held back in reserve. I’ve become a glutton for all these blessings bestowed upon me.
My other revelation also falls under blessings and benedictions, especially since it comes from the power of colour and light. We don’t need any scientific studies to know that sunshine is good for us. That might be enough all by itself, but when the sun is combined with Dutch blue skies against flaming orange walls, or the yellow plaster contrasts with spills of magenta bougainvillea, or the indigo shadows smacks up against lime walls, well darlings, we are now talking about a life in living colour.

I don’t want to live in a safe black and white world. Life has enough grey and bouts of dark. As such, I plan on incorporating more colour into my life.
In no particular order, here are a few more important bits of acquired knowledge:
- you can never have too many avocados in your life.
- freshly squeezed orange juice is akin to drinking sunshine.
- homemade corn tortillas cooked over a wood fire grill bear no resemblance to the pasty stack sold in Canadian stores.
- life is better with warm sand between your toes.
- turn up the music!!!!
- margaritas are good but be careful.
- reading is good everywhere but especially at the beach.
So there it is. My Mexican education thus far tells me this: Don’t worry about where you’re going to live. It will all work out. Have faith and fear not. Ultimately, home is wherever you make it.
Also, and this is very key; there is always a good reason for a fiesta.
So thank you Mexico for teaching us to smile as if our lives depend on it.
Because you know what? It’s true.
hi Colleen… we met briefly many years ago in Mission… maybe through Andreas and Sharon? I was married then and running a log and timber frame construction company with my husband, Rob Littler. I have very happily made some major life changes; new name (honoring my mother), new home (floating on the Fraser River) and now, very much, living in the moment and making my home wherever my heart happens to be! Lots of winter travelling with my new partner, living for several months in warm and colorful countries … Mexico, Nicaragua and Costa Rica (so far).
I was always drawn to your feistiness and sense of humour! Nice to reconnect.
Hola Katherine. Yes, I remember a brief meeting at some point too. It was in Mission. Maybe a patio? Somewhere outside…Thank you so much for reconnecting.
You’re living on a float home! There’s so many ways and places I’d like to live and a float home has always been on that list. So glad to hear you’re doing it.
I’ve heard so many great things about Nicaragua and Costa Rica, definitely need to get there too. Thanks for reading and commenting. I think this is my favourite thing about keeping this blog going…all the wonderful connections.
I love this so much! I’m so with you on the “I don’t want to live in a black and white world.” Both as it relates to color and to so many other black/white things in my life. It’s amazing how much we still have to learn from this big world, isn’t it? I can’t wait to read about your next adventure. Good luck with your move and I hope to connect soon!
Hola Gwen. Si! Let’s just say no to black and white lives. And yes, not just when it comes to decor but when it comes to dualistic thinking. That whole, if ‘a’, then not ‘b’ perspective on the world.

I prefer if ‘a’, then how about ‘b’ too? Or maybe just a little of ‘a’ and a little of ‘b’? Or maybe it’s not ‘a’ or ‘b’ at all?
Maybe it’s ‘m’ and ‘x’
Okay, I’m getting carried away but I love that you caught that I wasn’t just talking about interior design
What a great read and so very true of our experience of life in Mexico! It was a pleasure to meet yourself Colleen and Kevin today in our new found breakfast eatery in La Peñita. You’re such a great example of going with the flow and enjoying the moment:) Truly a blessing. With kindness Beverly and Alfred
Beverly and Alfred. What a treat to find you guys today. I think our paths will cross again. I believe certain people ‘get’ this place and you guys are definitely in that category. Looking forward to hearing more about how your plans unfold. Adios for now.
Amen. You have beautifully described all the reasons I’ve dragged my sweetie to Chapala for the next chapter of our life. Bold colors, loud music, a mercado bursting with fresh everything! I’ll admit the loud music can be a bit much at times, but this place is bursting with life.
I’m so glad you stopped by when you made your quick trip to Chapala. I enjoyed meeting Kevin.
Hola Shelly. This country really is bursting with life eh? And you’re the only woman I know who truly lives in a castle…a genuine princess
And yes, sometimes earplugs seem very necessary but mostly, it feels like they know how to celebrate everything about living. I’m glad we got to see you in your turret in that amazing Secret Garden.
Colleen, thanks so much for sharing the blessings.
Reading this brings a smile to my face and feels like sunshine in my heart.
Your photos are beautiful!
Yes life has its way of delivering the perfect thing if our eyes are open to receive.
Good for you and Kevin…
Oh Carol. And now I’m smiling because you said it feels ‘like sunshine in your heart’.
I had an instant image of golden rays firing out from your heart like those iconic pictures of saints.
So beautiful…I love it!
Thanks for reading and for sharing your thoughts.
Viva la Mexico
¡Si! Hola Dee Dee. I know you know all about the lure of Mexico. Such a wonderful place and people.
Hola Colleen
I’ve really enjoyed all your posts re: Mexico. The colors, the food, the noise and the people. So good.
Sent your last blog to my beautiful Mexican daughter in law and she was so appreciative of your appreciation and love of her country.
Susie xo
¡Hola Susie! Thank you and thanks for sharing my love of this country with your daughter-in-law. It’s all so incredibly fabulous here. It’s going to be hard to leave.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Colleen, you’ve coloured my grey/white winter with glorious hues of yellow, red, green, blue, and so many other splashes of life. I’m going to miss Mexico.
Me too Sophie! I’m so glad you got to share in all the colours with me. We only have one week left and I feel like we’re just getting started. But we’re definitely coming back next year.
Another great story! Love the colourful photos of Mexico and completely agree that you can never have enough avocados or fresh OJ! Another good thing is tree ripened grapefruit … so much better than store bought. Life is definitely better with sunshine and bright colours. Mexico sounds like my kinda place.
Grapefruit!! You know, somehow they’ve fallen off my radar and I always loved them. I’m going to look for them in the mercado. I’m sure they’ve been there all along. Thank you for the reminder Martha. And yes, if you love colour, you have to love Mexico. They know how to incorporate colour and loud music into every scenario