11 Responses

  1. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    “It is a soundtrack that proclaims life is to be quietly savoured, but that every once in a while, it should be enjoyed in all its symphonic and colourful glory”.
    This sentence reminds me of a small rural town in France where nothing much happens, apart a music and dance festival occurring every summer. For 10 days this small town is transformed in an internationally, colourful, vibrant town of joy, laughter, songs and dance. The flags of all nations are out and for 10 days, it all seems that the world is at peace. After all the excitement, this small town returns to its slow pace of life. The festival has been going on for 50 years and has proved very popular.

  2. Marie Gibbons
    Marie Gibbons at |

    Hola Amiga
    I retired in October, bought a place on the Ocean in Manzanillo, south of you guys. Left the Fraser Valley and moved to Osoyoos in the summer as well.
    2017 was a year for Lifestyle change.

  3. Shelly Stokes
    Shelly Stokes at |

    Having purchased a home just off the Malecon in Chapala, I can so relate to your thoughts on the soundtrack of Mexico. Just yesterday, I passed a guy with a radio/player hanging from a strap around his neck — playing at full blast. No wheels? No problem… 😉

  4. Margaret Deefholts
    Margaret Deefholts at |

    Great article!


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