6 Responses

  1. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    As I get older I am concentrating on seeing the beauty of life and refuse to see the ugliness. The beauty of nature gives me the most pleasure, also the innocence of animals and the perfection of babies. I always notice a kind act, an encouraging smile, a successful hard working task. Despite all the world’s negativity, life remains beautiful.

  2. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    In today’s climate, radical love and kindness are one of the best neutralizers – I won’t say ‘weapon’ – against hate. Whenever I feel that conduit of energy between myself and another person, I open it up to being love… some would say I lack caution or are naive, but the feeling for me is like watching your video of swinging through that massive canyon in South Africa years ago. Trust life, believe in people, use discretion, yes, but not as a prescription for self-preservation ahead of everything else. On the days when I can’t get to compassion for someone – usually them engaging in dangerous-to-others behaviours – I have to push myself to pray for them to have what I would want for myself, and remind myself that it must be awful to be in that headspace. At the very least, if I am truly struggling with a challenging personality or viewpoint, I work at doing no harm or adding to the flames.

    And as for Catholicism and confession: I diligently entered that forebodingly dark chamber full of penance and shame to confess on a shockingly regular basis that I had called my sister Chris names, and occasionally fought physically with her. I would come out and be doing my Hail Mary’s and full of shame and wanting to do better, and Chris would emerge with a sly smile and walk out with obligations for penance, having lied angelically throughout her subterranean exchange. Sisters!

  3. Mary
    Mary at |

    So beautifully said. Thank you.


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