11 Responses

  1. Lesley Peterson
    Lesley Peterson at |

    Wishing you a sparkly new year, Colleen, a great trip to Mexico and smooth move!

  2. Mary
    Mary at |

    Beautifully said as usual. I will print this one out and hang it in my little shop.
    Thank you!

  3. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    I think that the New Year resolutions (easily broken) is a very bad time to start new things that you won’t pursue; it is much better to start in the spring when the flowers are in bloom and the sun is shining, but as you have mentioned it we can all make efforts. This year I have started to cut down on meat. We eat vegetarian 3 times a week and we’ve decided to go for short breaks (every other month) in a different part of Britain. In February we’ll be going to Dorset for a walking holiday.
    I am glad you described where Kimberley is (as I had no idea where it was either). It seems idyllic. A village under snow, how lovely ! When I was growing up in France I always went skiing in the Alps, I absolutely loved it.
    I wish you and Kevin a Happy New Year full of adventures.

  4. Sophie Berner
    Sophie Berner at |

    Your thoughts based on solid common sense, beautifully written and so much easier to accomplish than fantasy or dream driven resolutions…Colleen…is this the real you? Your comments about needing “alone” time is also so true… and for me, after months of moving, settling in, house guests and Christmas, time alone is a precious gem. Thank you again for your wise words…

  5. Joan Bowers
    Joan Bowers at |

    Hi Colleen,
    so much energy!
    Where in Mexico? and for the uninitiated (ie, not Canadian), where is Kimberley? I only know of The Kimberley in northwest Australia, which last time I read or heard anything it still is not truly habitable (for gringos, that is).

    Happy New Year, and much success with your plans.

  6. Bruce
    Bruce at |

    Puedas practicar tu español conmigo. Me encanta charlar contigo.


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