10 Responses

  1. Carol Mathews
    Carol Mathews at |

    Delightful Colleen, i could read your blog till the cows come home!

  2. Culture Tripper
    Culture Tripper at |

    A need-to-know travel tip for Dawson City for sure LOL! Love your photos, Colleen, esp the one of the weathered house with antlers on it.

  3. Gwen Morrison
    Gwen Morrison at |

    Oh my gosh, what a funny story! I would be soooo embarrassed! Talk about leaving an impression!

  4. Stephen Sell
    Stephen Sell at |

    Ah, don’t fret yourself, Colleen. You always were a bit of a ding-a-ling. (It comes with being a writer!)

  5. Roy Stevenson
    Roy Stevenson at |

    Colleen, Just be glad you’re in a benign country like Canada, eh!
    If that was in some redneck bar in the US deep south, you’d be full of lead by now! Or have a hefty credit card bill! Good story, Colleen!


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