2 Responses

  1. Terry. Paton
    Terry. Paton at |

    Ha! I too am a senior … but have 3 youngish kids and a new dog and a largeish house and garden.
    We have been purging for three years off and on and it appears that we need to spend more time on the on!
    Our children are beginning to see the merits of the purge as they sell playmobil and Barbie for 20 cents on the dollar.
    As for me, I am letting go of family and personal memoirs that I have been hoarding for 40 years, but not before taking photos of gas receipts from 1974 so I can remember where I was way back then when I was on the road.
    The problem being, that my children will have to someday purge the iphoto library when I’m gone. The good news is that digital hoarding takes up much less space.


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