6 Responses

  1. Jan
    Jan at |

    Oh My! Life on the road, whether it be suitcase attire, day in day out, or minimized to a few square feet, there’s nothing like it! We love travelling carry on. Doesn’t matter how long or how far! China, Mexico, the Kootenays. As long as my underwear is clean I’ve arrived. Drop in, oh long time friends. DAN turns 70 in a few weeks. Yikes!

  2. Gwen Morrison
    Gwen Morrison at |

    I hear what you’re saying about perspective. “…all our dreams and dramas – have a tendency to diminish with the distance granted by a long-range perspective.” Totally makes sense to me. We can so easily get consumed by our day-to-day-ness – the kids, jobs, house, life stuff. How awesome for you that you are able to create space and a birdseye view of your life. Great post.

  3. Shelley Leedahl
    Shelley Leedahl at |

    Beautiful post, Colleen. I didn’t know you’d moved to Sechelt. Fabulous choice. I have been in Ladysmith a little over three years now, and continue to believe I live in paradise. Take good care!


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