10 Responses

  1. Kelly
    Kelly at |

    I think it is a GREAT idea! Don’t even post on those media outlets, go cold turkey and see the stress you didn’t think was there, lift. I would love to give up the ball and chain I have put on willingly (I dont even blog). Enjoy your trip, say Hi to Mary and when you get home fill me in on the places to go and things to do as I think I will be in that area this Fall! Enjoy guilt free – Go old school.

  2. Ashley Carmen
    Ashley Carmen at |

    Visit the Shore Club for the greatest lobster and unlimited mussels pulled fresh from the sea. Enjoy 🙂

  3. Sophie Berner
    Sophie Berner at |

    Bon Voyage, Happy Landings, and breathe in and hold every moment of your journey. I’ll be following you in my thoughts…

  4. Martha
    Martha at |

    WOW! I’ve always wanted to see Newfoundland and Nova Scotia and you’re doing it during prime time. Not only when the ice bergs are floating by, but during our 150th Birthday. Without a laptop to gobble up your time, you’ll have much more time to soak up the atmosphere, people and beauty around you. Colour me green!

  5. Shelly Stokes
    Shelly Stokes at |

    Go for it! It will be wonderful to hear about your computer-free travels. 🙂


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