10 Responses

  1. Dee Dee
    Dee Dee at |

    Love the artwork!

  2. Lynda Philippen
    Lynda Philippen at |

    Ah yes! Our unwitting ancestors. “When they threw out all the icons, the priests and the gilt,” they kept the guilt. Pent it up in silence and agonized over some sin not confessed (and thereby not forgiven) which would jeopardize their salvation and keep them apart from God’s favour for eternity. Ironically they kept the Catholic notion of self-flagellation but opted for psychological rather than physical means.

    I agree. Religions say (and explain) a great deal about who we are–sometimes they influence our thoughts and actions even long after we have abandoned the cant as inadequate or even abusive.

  3. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Colleen, I remember when I was at school (a Roman Catholic one) the only sin that I would confess is that I had been disobedient. I couldn’t think of anything else to confess but I am sure there must have been much more.
    You mentioned St. Francis of Assisi, yes he turned his back to his wealth but when you go to Italy, Spain or Portugal the churches are ornate with gold, draperies and more. The Pope lives in the Vatican, travels 1st first class but do not own anything, so do monks and nuns but live a relatively humbler existence.
    Most people who are born take the religion of their parents, such as their colour, breed and language. A few brave people make the change.

  4. Joan B
    Joan B at |

    Should have read some of Stephen King’s work. I like the quotes.
    As a “recovering” Catholic (Roman variation), this brings back lots of memories. Maybe if we ever catch up with each other again, we might share some stories.

  5. Ruby & Richard Dyck
    Ruby & Richard Dyck at |

    Great article ! Perhaps, as we become older and hopefully wiser, we dare to question the beliefs hammered into our minds and soul. That would likely be considered sinful !


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