16 Responses

  1. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Such a lovely post, Colleen. As always, I find myself soaking in every word of it. You have such a gift for drawing readers into the story.

    How true is this!?? “Our stories show ourselves as heroes, victims, fools, powerful or powerless. And then we make sure everything we say, to ourselves and to others, supports our ongoing narrative.” I loved it. So, so true. We are the narrators of our lives and we can spin the tale any which way.

    Thank you for bringing me along on your journey through your blog. I can’t wait to hear about the next chapter in Roberts Creek!

  2. Akaisha Kaderli
    Akaisha Kaderli at |

    Beautiful post, Colleen. I loved the part about our stories and how we describe ourselves and our lives to ourselves and others. How powerful, and so true. Love your clarity of mind! Good luck in your new digs!

  3. Diane
    Diane at |

    Looking forward to welcoming you both home. You have me humming that song today . Enjoyed your story Tks. Coll.

  4. Joan Trachuk
    Joan Trachuk at |

    Eloquently written, as usual, Colleen. Your words made me able to see and hear your beautiful mother singing “This is my story, this is my song, praising my Saviour all the day long”. Love it.

  5. Peggy Hall
    Peggy Hall at |

    So nice you are coming home for a while. I hope we can have a visit sometime. Phone number? Be well.

  6. Patricia Dawn Robertson
    Patricia Dawn Robertson at |

    What a lovely post. It sounds to me like the next phase of the pilgrimage is about to unfold. I think Roberts Creek sounds ideal. Wishing you art-making, writing and gentle leisure in your new digs. Snow here today in Wakaw and the border collie is asleep on his mat. Perfect reading and writing weather. Be well Colleen.

  7. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    “Our stories show ourselves as heroes, victims, fools, powerful or powerless. And then we make sure everything we say, to ourselves and to others, supports our ongoing narrative. This is extremely powerful in a strange and wonderful way, but, like any magic elixir, our story can just as easily be the source of our illness and destruction.”

    Oh, man, is this ever timely. It’s like being slapped in the face with a wet fish. What a gift.

    This post is gorgeous – the photos are so evocative, like poetry, and are a beautiful accompaniment to the writing and ideas.

    So glad you are coming home!! Art time in my studio, and maybe collaging lessons??

    1. Judy
      Judy at |

      Loved reading your post on this glorious fall day. Delighted that you’ve found a little spot to settle for awhile. Will definitely share. Happy travels to your new home!


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