8 Responses

  1. Martha
    Martha at |

    Oh no, really bad timing with the bladder infection — incredibly painful in my experience. How lucky to be rescued with such dramatic flair by a handsome pilot on a flight with awesome scenery. However, I could see the pain in your face as you forced a smile at the end of the rescue. And, yes, the hike down would have buggered up your knees.

    Good story and hope you’ve recovered. Sending some healing vibes and recommend drinking copious amounts of cranberry juice.

  2. Elinor Warkentin
    Elinor Warkentin at |

    I’ve long wanted to take a helicopter ride. Maybe not for a medical emergency. But then white knights hmmm it is persuasive!
    Hope you’ve recovered!

  3. Joan B
    Joan B at |

    You do have grand adventures, Colleen! Sorry about the pain and all, but your rescue makes a great story. And the vistas are awesome, for sure.
    About the video, I’m glad it was really short, because I had to practically stand on my head to view it — it came up sideways on my screen. I’ll try again later when the crick has eased in my neck, lol.
    Keep trekking!

  4. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Oh, Colleen, a bladder infection. That would have to rank right up there with Norwalk to be one of the worst nuisance health conditions to occur so far from any medical assistance or pharmacies. I used to keep back the bladder pain-numbing medication and stockpiled a few that came with me everywhere just in case, back in the day when they were frequent for me.

    It must be such a terribly splendid misery to be in the face of all that (impassive) majesty and feel…. that.

    As per usual you have taken a moment of vulnerability and pain and a bit of black humour and turned it into a beautiful tale of the gorgeousness of living, and the magic of people – you find them everywhere you go, which I think says more about you than them 🙂


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