10 Responses

  1. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Colleen, I love the sound of the loon (the black throated diver in Britain), I have seen them but never heard them. It is a haunting sound conducive to sleep….. The Radium Hot Springs look impressive. Thank you for the photos.
    Sleeping …. Never had any problems with that , I notice that when I spend the day either walking, gardening or working outside for conservation I sleep much better and deeper.
    I remember when we walked the TMB (Tour du Mont Blanc) after every hike, by 9.30 pm in the evening I would drop to sleep and sleep soundly to the next morning for another hike.
    Yes, nature and physical exercises are a marvellous soporific.
    Thank you for the blog.

  2. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Colleen, I’m going to have to agree completely with your conclusion. The first few nights we spent at our cabin in Blue Ridge – where we had no cable, no Internet… and no city lights to wreck havoc with our starlit evenings on the back screen porch — we both slept like logs. I remember thinking that it was probably the first time I’d slept through the night in years! Cool mountain breezes. Chorus of tree frogs outside our window. Nature. Darkness. Quiet. It all makes sense to me. No Ambien needed!

  3. Kathy Provost
    Kathy Provost at |

    These reasons are every reason that I choose to live where I do. Nature, dark, birds , all of it and more. I can never go back to a land of high population and light pollution, the spell has been cast. ????????????????

  4. Shelly Stokes
    Shelly Stokes at |

    Yet another reason to do a year in an rPod. I suppose you have a waiting list of folks who want to inherit yours… 😉

  5. Helen Earley
    Helen Earley at |

    We recently returned from the very windy, very fresh Magdalen Islands, where my family and I slept like babies, especially on the nights we slept in an oceanside room with the window open. I am certain it was the fresh air, the sound of the ocean and the wind, the salt from the sea. It was wonderful!


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